
Firehall Fact #19: Staff Favourites

Today, we hear from Alex Danard,
Box Office/Volunteer Coordinator!

Hello Folks! I’ve worked at the Firehall Arts Centre for 2 years now. I started off as a participant in the In-House Training program in March of 2010 and loved it! After I was hired on as the Outreach Coordinator for Dancing on the Edge and then as the Box Office/Volunteer Coordinator for the Firehall. I don’t have a hard time naming my favourite thing at the Firehall, in fact I have several.

Favourite thing #1: The building itself! Everything about it. I have a tender fondness for anything old, particularly architecture. I enjoy character and history and personality, from the creaking doors/floors to the ripples in the windows.
Favourite thing #2: The staff! Everyone here works so hard at their job and with such a small core staff it has the intimate feel of a family where each person is here to support each other. I’m continually inspired and motivated by each person’s enthusiasm and dedication.
Favourite thing #3: The Firehall’s mission and mandate. Who the Firehall is as an organization. Not only does the Firehall produce and present quality theatre and dance, but it doesn’t shy away from cutting edge and challenging pieces. I think this is crucial in the Arts.

I could go on, but I will stop myself now.

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