
For the Mama’s and the Papa’s out there.

For the Mama’s and the Papa’s out there: Some quotes from Nicolle Nattrass’s Mamahood: turn and face the strange

“I’m not a perfect mother. I should just get that off my chest right now. But who is right? I mean that would be impossible, except if you were Mary. Now Mary was the perfect mother. Never lost her temper, never cranky.  She was always calm because she had the perfect baby. Jesus. You can bet Jesus slept through the night. Do you think he was colicky? No and even if he was, Mary was a Zen peace loving Mama who never lost it. She’d have to be. Can you imagine? Giving birth to the Son of God. Jesus!”

This one woman show currently playing at the Firehall Arts Centre until October 29th explores the challenges of becoming a first time mom and discovering that behind the mystery of pregnancy and parenthood there is much to discover.  

The pregnancy:

 “My boobs are growing at a rapid rate!  I am now DOUBLE D!  I am only two and half months into my pregnancy!  What’s gonna happen next month? What’s gonna happen in my 9th month?”  

 “I am Celiac. Celiac and pregnant? Seriously? Just when my taste buds make me feel like each bite is a mini orgasm? Everything tastes so good. Like an orange, the juice, the-everything is like 110% MORE GOOD than it could ever be!”

The preparation:

 “Do you have a nutritional consultant? A pre-natal yoga coach? Catch the demonstrations ahead for Zumba for moms, as well as tot pole dancing for moms and babies. And, of course, there are workshops available for new mothers to begin a blog, write a book or memoir.”

“I will be ready! No room for error at Mama Camp.  First I remove all toxic paint and then Feng Shui the baby’s room. I take all the birthing courses no matter what the cost. I start a Registered Education Savings. ”

After the birth:

 “Is this how babies are supposed to sound? From the Jurassic period? Baby wakes up. Every hour. Hungry. He screams nonstop. WAHHHHH. Every 20 minutes-He does not sleep. Hardly ever. Screaming red faced-Oh my god what have we done?”

The days pass:

“I look down at my beautiful baby, so pure, so perfect- Why am I thinking about this now? Oh god- I’m failing-I’m failing at this–I can’t fail at this. I do what I always do to get thru-What any self-respecting, God fearing person would do. I pull out my old David Bowie records.”

And more days pass:

“I’m caught in this loop – angry, scared, can’t sleep, angry, scared, can’t sleep. I don’t feel like myself. I don’t talk to Vincent anymore. Everything makes me irritated-angry-I slam doors. I yell and then look down and see his face.

This tiny face.

I can’t do this anymore.

I call the Child Resource Centre– I need help.”


This powerful piece explores the fear, the pain and the joys of parenthood.  Check it out!

Mamahood: turn and face the strange. In honor of all those Mama’s and Papa’s who are working so hard to raise their young children the Firehall is offering a special discount. Go to firehallartscentre.ca   and purchase tickets using our special promo code: babybrain

Get tickets here.

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