You may know Vancouver actor Emmelia Gordon for her role in Meghan Gardiner’s one woman show Dissolve or from her Fringe Fest show The Progressive Polygamists. But she is soon to become known as the unlikely MP who accidentally won the riding Cormier-Lac Poule, Jisbella Lyth. Just like the character she plays in Michael Healey’s PROUD, Gordon has some strong views on politics. We talk to her about playing politics, women in power and what she really thinks about Stephen Harper.
I hear you are a breakfast aficionado. What is your favourite brunch spot in Van?
Recently, I had an amazing breakfast in Nelson, BC at a place called Bent Fork, similar to Slickity Jim’s on Main Street. There are so many, I LOVE Bandidas Taqueria for Vegetarian breakfast but if you want meat aka BACON, I would have to say (Habit, if it was still around) Tyme to Indulge. It’s new spot on Main but man oh man, it is making a place in my heart (tummy) quickly. I could talk for hours about breakfast.

What was it that intrigued you about this role? Well, first off, I love the Firehall Arts Centre and working on this play has been a DELIGHT! Plus I get to say some of the best swear words… both to and at the PM. That’s a dream come true.
Why would we want to see a play about politics? Why wouldn’t you? Get yourself fired up about what’s going on around you!
What were your thoughts on Stephen Harper going into this project? Going into this project I very much disliked Harper and now I dislike him even more. He’s a sneaky PM and I think Canadians need to band together and stand up to get him out of power. I even have a button I wear that says “Fuck Stephan Harper”.
What has it been like working with the ‘Prime Minister’? ‘Challenging’
Are there any women in politics or positions of power that you admire? Not Christy Clark – that woman has a lot of explaining to do. I would have to stay Elizabeth May – Vancouver Island is holding strong.
Has preparing for this role changed the way you see politics in our country? I’ve become more informed and now instead of switching off when politics come on the news or I see an article I want to find out more about the issues, and let’s be honest we, as Canadians have a lots of issues and we aren’t being heard.
Proud runs April 5 – 26 – click here to read more about the play. If seeing Proud gets you all fired up, then join us on Tuesday April 15, 7pm for a pre-show discussion with Director Donna Spencer, GenWhyMedia’s Fiona Rayher & the Vancouver Sun’s Mark Leiren-Young.